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Moon Knight’s Weapons Against the Evil and the Damned

As the warrior-priest of Khonshu (a very demanding Egyptian god), Moon Knight protects “those who travel at night” while wearing the appropriate silver-white vestments of his luminous, intrusive idol.

And how does Moon Knight properly protect those vulnerable nighttime travelers? With the benefits of advanced military training, god-induced power boosts, and deadly Egyptian-based, moon-themed weapons.

When confronting the unspeakable, which weapons will Moon Knight wield to properly whack werewolves, eviscerate vampires, and handily eye-gouge scavenging subway ghouls? Here’s a selection of dependable Moon Knight weapons used to deny the damned their midnight snack.

Crescent Darts

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

Shaped like crescent moons, and therefore, Khonshu-approved accessories, Moon Knight’s crescent darts are veritable throwable shuriken. Incredibly sharp and oft-times dipped in silver, Moon Knight's crescent darts were used during his very first encounter with a certain “werewolf by night.” And yes, the silver is for shearing the flesh off mostly unkillable lycanthropes.

Over time, the crescent darts evolved based on Moon Knight’s needs in the field. For example, he uses blunt crescents to add weight to fist-based beatdowns, and wields sharper versions much like daggers. In fact, he used one such crescent dagger to brutally carve the flesh from Bushman's face. It was equal parts awesome…and horrendous.

Moon Knight’s Fists (or Hands, or Feet, or Any Part of His Body, Really)

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

Before his blessing/curse at the intangible hands of Khonshu, Marc Spector was (and still is) an experienced, highly trained commando and mercenary. And that training culminated in Marc’s mastery of several hand-to-hand combat techniques (think judo, karate, jujitsu, etc.).

So, even without the occasional boost of strength/speed/stamina courtesy of Khonshu, Moon Knight is already a formidable fighter perhaps on par with Batman (and I’ll duck under the table until the scathing comments finally cease). 

Moon Knight’s Truncheons

So, Daredevil’s weapon(s)? The billy club that extends to a bo-staff, or separates into two smaller batons, and occasionally features a line between each baton mimicking effective nunchaku? Yep, Moon Knight’s truncheons are very, very similar (except for that on-brand coloring – silver and white).

Moon Knight’s truncheons are lightweight melee weapons wielded as the aforementioned batons, a combined bo-staff, or spinning nunchaku linked with a small chain. And one end doubles as a grappling hook, launching a line of flexible cable around whatever spire Moon Knight hastily rappels from.

Moon Knight’s skill with truncheons? Nightwing-level (and then some).

Moon Knight's Cape (and Costume)

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

Moon Knight’s cape is certainly awe-inducing, but it serves many purposes beyond the dramatic. Often, when leaping from great heights, the cape will slow Moon Knight’s descent. In other instances, the cape will form a more rigid, crescent-shaped hang glider allowing Moon Knight to sail for extended periods, and drop upon gathered gangsters with accurate, missile-like fury.

Moon Knight, although mostly graceful, is occasionally reckless. Thankfully, his flexible costume features form-fitting panels of lightweight armor; it takes the brunt of barreling through glass, brick, mortar, and other sturdy materials that usually require a door for less painful entry.

Moon Knight’s cape and costume have, on more than one occasion, displayed resistance to fire, explosions, and direct (and skull-crushing) impacts (including small arms fire). These materials aren’t bullet proof, per se, but they do minimize the damage (unless the range we’re discussing is point blank).

The Many Ankhs of Moon Knight

Moon Knight has, on occasion, hurled blunt ankhs as chin-smashing range weapons. But Moon Knight carries additional ankhs empowered with Khonshu’s godly mojo. In fact, while fighting The Avengers (during the “Age of Khonshu” story arc), Khonshu gifted Moon Knight several ankhs allowing him to leech power from various Avengers. And leeching said power allowed Moon Knight victory over the likes of Iron Fist, Doctor Strange, and with advanced control over lunar bodies, the mighty Thor himself.

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

In the past, Moon Knight used other magical ankhs for various purposes, including a golden ankh that glowed in the face of impending mortal danger.

The Wealth of Steven Grant

Yes, wealth is a weapon – because it allows one to purchase and/or create bigger weapons!

Steven Grant – one of two (or more) additional personalities contending for acknowledgement inside Marc Spector’s headspace –  is considered a “Wall Street wizard.” And, as such, took Marc’s modest mercenary earnings and generated a significant fortune.

What does a moon-themed crimefighter do with a “sky’s the limit” superhero-ing budget? Why, he funds the creation of moon-shaped planes, moon-shaped, AI-controlled drones, or other moon-themed implements of subtle, precise, and god-blessed destruction.

(Image credit: Marvel Comics)

He’ll also set up various high-tech bases throughout his stomping ground to make sure he never yearns for access to immediately necessary weapons/armaments.

Are there more weapons wielded by the unpredictably powerful Moon Knight?

Heck, yeah. List the rest of Moon Knight’s arsenal below, and we’ll happily add them to the article. And yes, we’ll accept “the ability to terrify from a distance while perched ominously on a stone gargoyle.”