How to get on Forged In Fire in 2023

(Image credit: History)

Filming for Forged in Fire Season 10 may be underway, but it’s never to late to get on the show. Even though we are halfway through 2023, there’s still time to get noticed by the Forged in Fire producers and line yourself up for a spot on future seasons.


Here at BRUTE de FORGE, we’ve spent the past year interviewing bladesmiths and knife makers, many of which having successfully navigated the Forged in Fire experience. We’ve spoken with contestants and judges to share not only their stories with you, but also their tips for getting on, and winning, the show. Thanks to those conversations, we’re able to share a few definitive tips you should follow if you want to be on Forged in Fire in 2023.

Be Interesting

At it’s core, Forged in Fire is a television program and, like all television programs, it needs interesting characters. One of the most endearing qualities of the show is the unique personalities that grace the forge floor every episode. Bladesmiths and knife makers are an interesting bunch, and the more you can showcase the things that make you interesting, the more likely they’ll pick you for the show. If you are really interesting, they may even have you come back for multiple shows (or even to become a judge)! With the show’s past focus on fan-favorite episodes, it only stands to reason that they are looking for smiths with the potential to resonate with a large audience.

Be Prepared

The beauty of Forged in Fire is that it is open to bladesmiths and knife makers of all skill levels. Frequently, Master smiths are pitted against amateurs with often surprising results. While you absolutely must know how to make a knife to get on Forged in Fire, there is no set of minimum qualifications. Some of the smiths we’ve spoken to had only made a handful of knives before their appearance, and frequently the smiths have never even attempted to make a sword. The key, though, is to be familiar with many different materials and techniques. During the interview process, you’ll be asked specifically about what you’ve done; have you done a canister Damascus? Have you used a coal forge? Anyone who’s watched the show knows these are frequent hurdles placed in front of smiths. If you want to be on the show, you may want to try your hand at those things first.

Be Public

Similar to being interesting, it’s always helpful to have an established presence. While this may mean the traditional avenues such as a website and attending conventions and shows, the real key to this is social media. Recently, those smiths who have been approached unsolicited by the show were approached because of the content they’ve put out on social media. This may seem obvious, but putting yourself out there on social media will not only help you build a following, but it also offers an opportunity for you to be spotted by the show.

Be Patient

All good things come to those who wait, and an appearance on Forged in Fire is no different. One common theme we’ve seen from all our interviews is that there are frequent long periods of silence during the interview phase and again between interviewing and being selected for the show. If you do send in your info or even have a call or interview, don’t sweat it if it’s radio silence for a while. I will say, though, that in most cases the turnaround time from finding out you’ve been selected for the show and when the show is set to film is frequently very short (like, a couple weeks). When it happens, it’ll happen fast. Sometimes it just takes a while to get going.

Be Persistent

(Image credit (ITV America)

Once you’ve decided you are ready to be on Forged in Fire, don’t quit ‘till you make it. While it is true representatives from the show will often approach smiths to be on the show, they do occasionally put out casting calls. Just this past January, ITV America put out a blast on social media recruiting teams of four for special episodes of the show. While it is too late to get in on this casting call, smiths interested in appearing on Forged in Fire in 2023 and beyond can reach out to to connect with the show.

Be sure to follow BRUTE de FORGE on Instagram and Facebook for all the latest Forge in Fire news. Search “Brute de forge” on Apple News or Google News to get all our content streamed directly to your phone!